Support Us


SOAR has been rescuing and giving shelter to Wild, Farm, and Exotic animals who are orphaned injured, or left to starve or die. We give them food and veterinary assistance until they are fit for the wild and are ready to survive among their fellow species again. Several times there are animals who are not able to survive on their own after injuries and they cannot be released in the wild again and need to be taken care of consistently, so we give keep them in our sanctuary & home & take care of them for as long as they need it, with the permission of US Fish and Wildlife, she could keep it.
“Wildlife is the place that includes such mammals, birds, and other species that are non-domesticated and non-human beings.”
For taking care of these animals, we require good amounts of money. As we are not government-dependent, we do not get any funds or donations from any government body, we are a self-dependent non-profit organization. Julie does all the wildlife rescue and pays for everything from her pocket which includes state and federal licenses. Annually thousands of dollars are spent in taking care of these animals. You can be a hero to South Oklahoma animal rescue and help us save thousands of animal lives. Your donations not only provide critical resources to feed newborns and fix damaged wings, but it also provides monetary sustainability, reducing boom-bust periods.

Saving lives since 1999. Help us continue that effort.

become a wildlife sustainer

You can help us by becoming one of the wildlife-saving heroes by becoming a Wildlife Sustainer. These are the ultimate group of people, who contribute to wildlife rehabs on monthly basis. By choosing a monthly gift pack on which your card will be charged automatically for a little amount, So you won’t have to go through the hassle of the manual billing process, you can cancel it anytime you want. These little amounts by the members add up and help us more than a single donation in a year. By becoming a Wildlife Sustainer, you will help us save & feed thousands of animals. Your monthly donation of $10 can help us buy one bag of formula that can feed up to 5 fawns.
Your monthly contribution will assist in the following ways:
  • Create a safe haven for both native and non-native creatures.
  • Keep animals fed and medically fit.
  • Save animals who in need of rehabilitation.
Your little monthly contributions of $10, $25, $30, or more build-up to a large amount over the course of a year, while accounting for only a small fraction of your monthly spending.

donate a vehicle

If you have a vehicle of any sort and you want to get rid of it. Then you can just donate it to us no matter how it is if it is drivable, we will take it. You can take a tax deduction for its fair market value. It will help us in transporting animals. There are times when we must transfer animals from place to place for which we need vehicles. Or we can also use the vehicle to get financials by selling it, & those funds will go into helping the animals. So instead of just selling it for cheap or getting rid of it, please think about the animal lives you can protect by donating the vehicle that you are trying to get rid of.

remembrance gift

If you have lost someone dear to you, and you want to honor their memory you can do so by donating something to us as a remembrance gift, which will help many animals in our rescue. This will help you honor your loved one through a good cause, and you will also feel good as through your remembrance gift many animals can live a healthy life which might not be possible without your donation. This allows you to express your pure goodness and love towards the person or animal that you lost in a very good manner because you are donating to save lives.

leave a bequest

Do you know you can help us save more animal lives by including SOAR in your will?
Yes, you can do that by leaving a bequest, which allows you to get the satisfaction that your leftovers will be used for a good cause, and you will be able to save animal lives even after you are gone. Your generosity will help us to get the resources that we need to keep the animals fed and give them veterinary care. We would be very thankful to you if you help us and show your commitment towards these innocent lives and help us keep them protected.

how to word your bequest?

For a specific asset or amount:

I give, devise, and bequeath _______________ to Southwest Oklahoma Animal Rescue, INC. (Tax ID #26-1643791) 500 South 15th street, Fredrick, Oklahoma 73542

for a residual bequest

After fulfilling all other provisions and obligations, I give, devise, and bequeath _____% of the residual of my estate to Southwest Oklahoma Animal Rescue, INC. (Tax ID #26-1643791) 500 South 15th street, Fredrick, Oklahoma 73542